THE STADIUM BETWEEN CITY, LAKE AND MOUNTAINS In the area where three countries meet, Austria, Italy and Slovenia,halfway between the city of Klagenfurt and Lake Wörth, surroundedby meadows and hills and with the Karawanken Mountains as thebackground panorama – a more beautiful location for a new footballstadium would be hard to find.Of all the stadiums of the UEFA EURO 2008TM the Wörthersee StadiumKlagenfurt stands out because of its noteworthy design. Significantarchitectural effects have been created through the outer layer ofthe covering over the grandstand, which is partially constructed oftransparent double-layered beams. The goal of the architecturalteam was to develop a stadium that is compact and integrated in thesurrounding landscape. The stadium is architecturally concisethrough the dynamic rise of the covering over the east grandstand.The slightly sloping ramp from the west in the direction of the stadiumas well as the diverse entrance flights of stairs on the cornersof the platform are additional eye catchers. The grandstands arepositioned as close as possible to the playing field, which will makeeach match an exceptional live experience.The lounge and the accommodations for the VIP cardholders aresituated in a spacious, separated box over the west building. A VIPgrandstandfor “golden members” is located in front of this box andoffers room for approximately 350 people.Rooms for stadium security, video control, head of operations, stadiumdirector, and the panorama studios of the media are also locatedin this box area.The challenge posed to the architects was to design a stadium thatpossesses the impressive optics of a large stadium even its compactsize mode – one can see they have succeeded. For the UEFA
EURO2008TM It will host 3 group matches, 32,000 covered seats will be available. After this exceptionalevent the Wörthersee Stadium will be reduced in size to the basicstadium structure, which will offer 12,500 visitor places by removinga grandstand terrace. The playing field will be equipped with artificialturf and the respective entrance possibilities; thus, making it anideal venue for a variety of large events.

The Wörthersee Stadium is surrounded with a spacious sports park with a multitude of utilization possibilities.

The stadium
On the playing field: concerts, events of all types
West building: VIP-lounges, seminar and media rooms,
infrastructure for catering (kitchens)

The ball sports competence center
is a pilot project from the Austrian federal government to promote the athletically gifted.
The following facilities/services will be available:
  • Foyer/entrance hall plus a warm-up hall (for training purposes during tournaments); Visitor capacity for 800
  • Conditioning and physical fitness rooms .Wellness rooms with steam baths, sauna, etc.
  • Four gymnasiums (can be integrated into one multi-purpose hall)
  • Infrastructure (changing rooms, sanitary facilities)
  • Climbing wall
  • Rowing/kayak pool system
  • Seminar rooms
  • Offices/administrative facilities
  • Kitchen, dining hall

In the football academy
approximately 200 children and teenagers (U15, U17, U19) will be trained and supervised. The model for this academy is the Leistungzentrum Südstadt (Achievement Center South City) Vienna. The pupils will attend public schools in Klagenfurt. The following facilities/services
are available:

  • Foyer/entrance hall
  • Changing rooms, fitness and conditioning rooms
  • Medical care
  • Class rooms and day rooms
  • Boarding school
  • Offices/administrative facilities

Football training fields
4 fields measuring 60 by 90 meters, one equipped with artificial turf, are available.

The adjoining track and field facilities
located in the direct vicinity contain an additional playing field – 64 by 100 meters – eight running tracks and an audience grandstand. The infrastructure of the stadium will be utilized here.

Olympic Training Center
The sports park and the Wörthersee Stadium provide the perfect conditions to be one of the Austrian Olympics training centers. Young athletes will be intensively supervised and trained here on these grounds.

for approximately 2,000 automobiles (personal cars and buses) are available on the grounds and along the Südring (South Ring).


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